How to Apply Mascara to Bottom Lashes Without Smudging

  Reading time 6 minutes

Applying mascara to your bottom lashes can enhance your eye makeup and make your eyes appear more defined. However, many women struggle with smudging, creating a mess that can ruin an otherwise flawless look. In this article, we’ll explore effective techniques to apply mascara to your bottom lashes without the fear of smudging, ensuring your makeup remains pristine throughout the day.

Prepare Your Lashes

Женщина наносит макияж, используя кисть для теней и тушь для ресниц.

Before diving into the application of mascara on your bottom lashes, it’s essential to prepare them properly. This step is often overlooked but can make a significant difference in the outcome of your look. Here’s how you can prepare:

  1. Clean your lashes:

    Remove any leftover makeup and oil to ensure a smooth application.

  2. Use an eyelash curler:

    Although more common for top lashes, gently curling your bottom lashes can help them stand out and prevent them from pointing inward.

  3. Consider a lash primer:

    A thin coat of lash primer can not only help your mascara stick better but also prevent smudging.

Proper preparation creates the perfect canvas for mascara application, ensuring that your lashes look voluminous and beautiful without any imperfections.

Choose the Right Mascara

Две женщины, одна красит другой глаза при теплом свете боке.

The type of mascara you use can significantly affect the application process and the final result. For bottom lashes, it’s advisable to select a formula that minimizes smudging. Here are some attributes to consider when choosing your mascara:

  • Waterproof formula:

    Opt for waterproof mascara to ensure that it doesn’t smudge or run, especially during humid weather or long hours.

  • Thin brush:

    A smaller, finer brush is often designed explicitly for bottom lashes, allowing for precision and control.

  • Lengthening formula:

    Mascaras that focus on lengthening can make your bottom lashes appear fuller and more defined without clumping.

By carefully selecting the right product, you will set a strong foundation for applying mascara that stays put.

Application Technique

The technique you utilize in applying mascara to your bottom lashes will determine whether you achieve a polished look or end up with smudges. Follow these straightforward steps for the optimal application:

  1. Look up:

    Tilt your head back slightly and look upwards, which minimizes the likelihood of the applicator touching your skin.

  2. Wipe excess product:

    Before applying, wipe the wand on a tissue to remove any excess formula that could lead to clumping.

  3. Use short strokes:

    Apply mascara using gentle, short strokes on your bottom lashes to avoid overloading the product.

  4. Focus on the outer lashes:

    Concentrate your application on the outer lashes to create an elongated look.

  5. Check for smudge:

    After application, look in the mirror and take note of any areas that might need touch-ups.

By mastering your technique, you will efficiently avoid smudges and achieve a flawless look.

Finishing Touches and Cleanup

Женщина наносит макияж, сидя перед зеркалом с лампочками.

Once you’ve applied mascara to your bottom lashes, adding a few finishing touches can enhance your overall eye makeup. Moreover, knowing how to clean up any mistakes swiftly is essential. Here’s how to perfect your look:

  • Use a clean spoolie:

    Comb through your lashes with a clean spoolie to separate them and remove clumps.

  • Touch up with concealer:

    If any mascara has transferred to your skin, use a small brush and a bit of concealer to touch it up, blending it away.

  • Set with powder:

    A light dusting of translucent powder under the eyes can help absorb any moisture and further prevent smudging.

These final touches will not only refine your look but will also help maintain its integrity throughout the day.


Applying mascara to the bottom lashes without smudging may seem daunting, but with the right preparation, product selection, and application techniques, you can achieve beautiful, defined lashes that last all day. Remember that practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to refine your approach until you find what works best for you.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

1. Can I use regular mascara for my bottom lashes?

While you can use regular mascara, it’s advisable to opt for a waterproof formula or one specifically designed for bottom lashes to reduce the chance of smudging.

2. How often should I replace my mascara?

It’s recommended to replace your mascara every three to six months to maintain hygiene and ensure the best performance.

3. Will using a lash primer help with smudging?

Yes! A lash primer can help create a barrier between your lashes and the mascara, enhancing wear time and minimizing smudging.

4. What should I do if I accidentally smudge mascara?

If you smudge mascara, use a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover to gently clean the area. Follow up with a little concealer if needed.

5. Is it necessary to use a separate mascara for bottom lashes?

While not necessary, a separate mascara designed for bottom lashes can often provide better precision and reduce the risk of smudging.

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